We are an active engineering trading and stockiest in Indonesia.






HISAKA PHEs have a Significant Role in the Components Manufacturing Lines of Automotive Industry.

Hisakaworks have been producing plate heat exchangers for many years for many various industries such as palm oil, HVAC, marine, oil and gas, and many others. One of the industries that we constantly supply is the automotive industry. In the automotive industry, there are more than 20,000 components involved. These components vary from as small as bolts and nuts to components as big as the car exterior itself. Plate heat exchangers are involved playing a significant part in the majority of the manufacturing of these components.

HISAKA involve in   :

• The Manufacturing of Vehicle Body

• The Manufacturing of Vehicle Equipment And Accessories

• The Manufacturing of Rubber Tyres And Tubes

• Rethreading and Rebuilding of Rubber Tyres And Tubes

• Manufacturing of Bearings, Gears, Gearing and Driving Elements

• Manufacturing of Cooling and Ventilation Equipment

• Manufacturing of Computers and other Information Processing Equipments3

• Manufacturing of Electric Motors, Generators, and Transformers

• Manufacturing of Electrical Equipment for other Engine, Transmission and Vehicle Parts


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